Happy Anniversary, to Us!

Wow. We look twelve. Don't be fooled. This was actually midway through my sophomore year of college when Chad and I started dating. Awwwwww! How precious.
This photo is evidence that Chad doesn't give up. Even though one of my roommates told him I hated him, and that, I quote, "You'll never be able to date her, but if you try really hard, she might be your friend again," he worked really hard to dissolve a HUGE misunderstanding, we started dating, and at the end of the school year he convinced me to come see him in North Carolina the summer before I left for London. Looking back, I have no idea what I was thinking! I went to North Carolina to see a guy who wasn't even officially my boyfriend, and met his entire family. I should have been scared out of my mind, and I kind of was, once my plane landed in Raleigh and I really started thinking about it. I remember waiting for my luggage and wishing I could get back on the plane. Luckily, it was the best trip ever. It was after this trip that I knew I was really in love with him, that perfectly enough I was also in love with his family, and that I wanted to marry him someday.
This is us, right before I left for London. Spending a semester abroad, right after you decide you're in love with someone, creates a sticky situation. It was hard to go, but it was one of those great blessings in disguise. Remember how my trip to North Carolina helped me realize I wanted to marry Chad? I'm pretty sure me being gone for 4 months convinced Chad he wanted to marry me. It was a long semester of time differences, expensive phone calls, emails, letters, videos, pictures, and MSN messenger.
When I flew back from London, we got to start dating in the same physical space again (always a good idea, if you've already made up your mind you're eventually going to marry a person).
This was Chad and me in April of 2005, the day he asked my dad for permission to marry me. Luckily, my dad is probably the least intimidating man in the world, so it wasn't too hard.
One of our engagement photos.
Four years ago today I made the best decision of my life. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful man to share forever with. Four years later he is still making me smile, still making me laugh. I can't wait to see what adventure we'll get to experience together next.
Happy 4th Anniversary, Bebe Dish!
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