
In the midst of stress and worry about our state as jobless, homeless people, I've forgotten to rejoice. You see, had I not been worried about being jobless and homeless, I would have been counting down. Let me do so now. After I go to sleep tonight, there will only be four days before I set foot on Italian soil. That's right, we are leaving for ITALY on Thursday, and will arrive on Friday. I CAN NOT WAIT!!! It really is going to be the trip of a lifetime. Here are the top ten things I am most excited for:

1. A gondola ride with my hubby.
2. GELATO!!!
3. Pasta
4. Michelangelo's Pieta, which I have wanted to see since my freshman year's Humanities 101 class
5. The Sistine Chapel
6. Outdoor markets and the treasures I will buy there
7. A stamp in my passport (I am very distraught that I've had to start over after my name change)
8. Paintings . . . I can't narrow down to just one
9. Taking photos of the coolest things imaginable
10. Ummmm.... BEING in ITALY!!!!

I really am SO unbelievably excited! I am going to try really hard to be completely worry free while there so that I can enjoy the experience. I promise I will post plenty of pictures when we get back.