
Well, there's snow on the ground. It started snowing quite hard last night while we were watching the BYU game on TV and I was grading all my students' late work (end of term is next week). The thing is, I really am annoyed that it's not even Halloween and it will now probably be freezing cold until May. One of my number one arguments about this state is that it never really gives us a full four seasons.

On the other hand, as much as I gripe, moan, and complain about Utah, the snow here really is "the best snow on Earth." Especially while it is falling. It is simply gorgeous! The flakes are huge and fluffy, and they flutter to the ground in such a soft, pretty way.

Last night, after the initial groans when Chad announced that it was snowing on TV, and we opened our blinds to confirm that, yes, it was indeed snowing in our parking lot as well, we both decided that it was kind of hard to be mad at it. It was just so beautiful! Chad even said we should leave the blinds open so we could watch it for awhile. Watching it swirl in the light from the streetlamp was such an exquisite image. I felt like I was witnessing visual poetry.

So, there you go. I'm sure that in a couple weeks, if the snow lasts and keeps coming, I will have nothing but complaints. The snow seems less pretty when you have to start driving places in it. But for now, it's kind of fun to look at from afar.