Things that Make Me Happy Today

1) My students. Today, I love them! I read them a picture book today as a model of using good details in writing. We are going to make our own class book, using the format of the model as a guide. While I was reading it to them, I almost got a glimpse of how much fun it must be to read to an elementary school class. They were enthralled! It was marvelous! AND you should have HEARD some of the awesome "memorable details" they wrote afterwards. FANTASTIC! They are writers! We described things that are important about Halloween. We came up with 5 ordinary details as a class, and then the students transformed them into more memorable, extraordinary sentences on their own. One girl changed our class sentence of "There are pumpkins" into something like "You feel the slimy goo drip through your fingers as you carve your favorite picture." Another girl changed "It is fall" into "You feel the brown, yellow, and orange leaves fluttering around your feet." Who would have thought that a little bit of creative writing would have them begging to share their words? It was a great day. Especially in comparison to yesterday, when I cried on the couch about what a horrible teacher I am.

2) My Salt City candle. It is cedarwood vanilla scent, which basically translates into the smell of fall in a jar. I LOVE it! There is something about a candle burning that makes the house feel so cozy.

3) The nice librarian at the Orem library. She gave me a FREE copy of My Antonia (which I already own, but who can pass up a free book?) and was so pleasant and helpful.

4) THIS DIVINE MEAL! The recipe for which I found on Kristylicious' blog. I made it for dinner tonight and it was fabulous (although, we made it less healthy by adding chicken, and putting melted cheese and sour cream on top).

5) The discovery that it takes LESS time to drive to Smith's and Albertson's, shop, and come home, that it takes to go to Walmart (even though Walmart is closer). I feel SO much better supporting stores that are not cohorts with the devil, and feel even better doing it when it SAVES me time! I drove to Albertson's, bought the fresh ingredients for dinner, drove back, and was STILL in time for my ritual re-run of "Gilmore Girls."

6) My fuzzy pajama pants that are becoming my everyday, after-work garb. I LOVE them!

7) My fellow English teacher who is collaborating with me on a research unit. It seems so much less overwhelming when there's someone to work with! We basically have the entire unit mapped out, and just need to get together to finalize a few of the details.

8) The fact that tomorrow is Friday, and that on Saturday I get to meet 3 of my best girlfriends in Salt Lake for some catching up and fun. It's going to be great!