
My mother-in-law is the queen of holiday decorating.  I kid you not.  Come Christmas time, her house will look like one of those holiday shops you walk through while you're on vacation.  Harvest time is no exception, and when we went to K-town last weekend, the Halloween decorations were already up for Kadester to enjoy.  He became particularly enamored with this little gem:  

Yes, that is a giant, creepy spider.

At first, he was terrified of it.  Nana showed it to him while they were outside, and he wouldn't believe that it was fake.  When Chad finally went over to touch it, Kaden warily hid behind a plant and watched from afar. For the two days we were there he kept saying, "Oh!  Big Spider!" and then we would have to remind him, "Yes, that is a big spider.  But he's just pretend."  When it finally sunk in that the spider was, indeed, not like the ones that his mommy screams bloody murder about, runs from, and attacks with bug spray from 25 feet away, he decided that he was in love with it.


He has shed tears over not being able to be reunited with the big spider.  "Go Gigi's house.  Big Spider!"

He has talked with the Big Spider on the phone.  While conversing with said spider via the cellphone, he has proclaimed his love for it, and commanded that Gigi feed it a lunch of french fries.

I have had to console him at nap time by telling him that the big spider is probably resting at Gigi's house, since it can't be with him in his crib.
It is crazy to me that he still remembers it.  

Crazier still is the fact that he remembers it FONDLY.