The First Year

Dear Kaden,

The first time I really held you, swaddled in my arms, both of us wrapped in the quiet dark of a hospital room, I marveled that just a few hours before I had never met you.  I watched your dark eyes watching mine, while your tiny fist wrapped around my finger, and I thanked my Heavenly Father for sending you to me. 

 It's hard to believe that a year has passed.  That you--the tiny, swaddled bundle I once snuggled to sleep in my arms-- can now giggle and crawl, babble and walk.

 Watching you grow this year has been the greatest joy of my life.  With each new thing you learn my heart soars and cries--soars because I am so proud of you--cries because I hate that you are growing up so fast.  Thanks for being my little boy, Kaden Cub.  Happy Birthday!  I love you.