Prom Night
Chad and I were mistaken for high school students when we stopped by the grocery store on our way to chaperone the prom. To quote the checkout lady: "You are the chaperones?!?! I thought you were two of the kids!" Chad even neglected to shave, hoping the facial hair might add a few years. He was hoping not to be mistaken for a high school student. I guess it didn't do the trick. Neither, apparently, did my growing abdomen.
Here I am at two days shy of 27 weeks:
It was baby's first prom, and Chad's first prom (since he was super lame in high school and refused to go to his). I won't complain though, since I got to be his first prom date.It was fun to see my students all dressed up and well behaved. Chad and I went out to eat with a bunch of folks from my department before hand, which was also fun.
I am so thankful it's May. Summer vacation's just around the corner!
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