Buying Blue
This is what I bought after our ultrasound yesterday:
This sweater is absolutely precious (and it doesn't have a spot on it, so obviously I did something wrong when I took this picture).
This is seriously the SOFTEST fabric. I am in love with it. It's so fun to think a little baby will be wrapped up in it soon.
It's a boy!!! While I must admit that the idea of buying hair bows and dance shoes was very appealing, I am beyond thrilled to know I'm going to have a little boy to cuddle in about 5 months. I always wanted to have a boy first, so my kids could have a protective big brother. I also don't think much can replace the precious look of excitement Chad had when he saw the evidence appear on screen that we are having a son. We had quite the scare on Friday, when I got a message from the doctor's office asking me to call and reschedule my ultrasound appointment. It said they had an available appointment at 11:00 a.m., but funny how my phone is off all day and I didn't get the message until 3:00. My appointment was supposed to be at 4:00, and Chad had already taken off the afternoon so he could be there. I knew we weren't going to get to see our baby today, and I was so disappointed. When I called, the receptionist said if we didn't care which doctor did the ultrasound, we could be seen today. Um, HELLO! YES! So, tragedy avoided, we drove over to Greenville and got to find out what we were having as planned.
It was the biggest relief to see our little guy all curled up in there. Our ultrasound technician, and the doctor, both said that our baby boy is developing just as he should. So far, he looks safe and healthy. I felt the baby move for the first time this week, so that has been priceless and fun, too.
It was so fun to watch all of the little boys at the Kinston basketball game last night and think about how soon we're going to have one of our own.
Now on to the name game . . . and setting up the nursery. Any favorite boy names?
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