Alissa's Wedding
The main reason we drove to Washington in the first place was for my cousin, Alissa's, wedding. It was so wonderful to see most of the Jensen side of the family. Everyone was there but my Aunt Denise and her little girl. I got to meet my little cousin, Sterling, for the first time, and Brody, Alissa's little boy. Equally fun was spending time with all of the family I already knew, all of whom I love and miss very much.
This is me holding Brody after he woke up from his nap. Anya was busy doing everyone's hair, but she'd finished mine, so I got to cuddle with him for awhile. He is so precious. He reminds me a lot of myself when I'm tired--groggy, quiet, and not in the mood to be messed with. You just have to let him wake up in his own time. I think Alissa really may have been blessed with one of the sweetest babies in the world. He is so GOOD! He was such a trooper the entire time we were busy with wedding stuff. I was amazed!
A wedding is always such a special and beautiful thing to be a part of, and this was no exception. I am so happy for Stuart and Alissa! Stuart is wonderful with Brody, and I know he is going to make an amazing Dad! Here are some of the shots I took at the wedding. (If I'm in them, then my mom took them.)
Stuart holding Brody as he and Alissa finish walking down the aisle:Alissa and Stuart's first dance as husband and wife:
Alissa sharing a dance with her Dad:3 Generations:
Aunt Arianne dancing with Evan:
I love this picture, because look at Evan's face. Isn't it obvious how much he loves and respects his mom? I think it's precious!
Paul, MalaRee, and Sterling sharing a dance:
With my two cousins, Anya and Alissa:
With Jared:The food. How amazing is a bowl full of Sweedish Fish? How clever!
Evan looking handsome and cool while one of Alissa's bridesmaids looks on:
Alissa with her Grandma:
Sterling, looking guilty while decorating the getaway car:
Anya, looking less guilty, but doing the same thing:
Pictures from the next night at the reception:
Alissa wore a killer pair of turquoise shoes. They were fabulous!
Will you notice my cousin's stellar arms? How gorgeous is she in this picture? Did I mention she has had a baby? Alissa, you look fabulous!
The couple from afar:
Mother and Daughters:
Me with Grandpa:
Brody with all his grandparents:
Alissa's family with the couple:
Jensen cousins, minus Bryan who is in Iraq, and Summer who didn't make it:
Alissa with all of her bridesmaids:
The wedding party, minus the little girls:
I love these shots I snapped of my Uncle Howard with Brody. I remember Howard as being a wonderful uncle to me growing up. I also know he was a wonderful father. This is proof that he is a wonderful grandfather as well:
The wedding cake:
Kissy-kissy (Stuart was not a fan of taking kissing pictures, but they happen to be some of my favorite shots at weddings, so we forced him):
Congratulations, Alissa and Stuart! Welcome to the married club! It's a pretty awesome place to be!
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