Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today is my madre's birthday. If I still lived in the same state she does, Chad and I would be driving to her house for dinner and German chocolate cake with homemade icing. (Mom, I hope Dad made you a cake.) Because I not only no longer live in the same state, but now live across the country, that is not possible. Instead, I will call her on the phone tonight and give her my birthday wishes long distance.

It was kind of a serendipitous moment today when the poem we read in class reminded me of my mom. My class is taking part in Poetry 180. Billy Collins, the former poet lauriate of the US has put together a list of 180 poems (a poem for every day of the school year) for high school students. I won't force you to read the poem, but if you want to, feel free to follow the link. The conclusion of the poem just reminded me so much of my mom, and how she was when I was growing up, particularly when I was an adolescent. My mom always gave me my space, let me be independent, and figure things out in my own time. Even so, she was always on the sidelines as my cheerleader (sometimes a silent one in the background) waiting to help me when I needed it.
My mom is an amazing, talented, hardworking lady and I love her. Happy Birthday, MOM!