
I am a worrier. I just am. It's part of my nature. It's the end of the term, which means it is a time of intense stress, and thus worry for me. Here are things I'm overly concerned about at the moment:

1. The huge stack of essay tests I have yet to grade.

2. The huge stack of LATE WORK papers I have yet to grade.

3. The huge stack of book reports that are being turned in next week that I will need to grade.

4. The huge stack of Writers' Notebooks that are also being turned in next week that I need to grade.

5. The fact that my sophomores are about two weeks behind where I wanted them to be by this point in the term.

6. Knowing that the school year is nearly over (1 term to go!!!) and having no idea how I'm going to get through everything that I need to before it does, particularly because most of my students seem to ALREADY be on a mental summer vacation and it's not even spring yet.

7. Having no CLUE what to do about next year. Am I teaching in Lehi? Am I teaching at all? Is my husband going to be able to find a job?

8. Feeling incredibly guilty that my house has needed to be vacuumed for the last five days and that it has yet to be done.

9. The fact that I have to pay a stinking late fee for the piece-of-crap Jane Austen's Book Club because I forgot to return it yesterday.

10. Is my body ever going to adjust to the new time change? Because seriously...I'M EXHAUSTED!

11. Wondering how I'm going to accomplish everything I need to without a lot of time this weekend, since I'm helping with the Utah State Junior Miss program.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Seriously. I'm going INSANE! All I want to do is call in sick, forget about the papers sending off bad writing vibes from the corner, and curl up in front of the television in my pajamas. Not gonna happen, unfortunately.