To Everything...Turn...Turn...Turn...

There is a season...Turn...Turn...Turn...and a time to every purpose...

Ok, so I've decided there is a time to be in Provo, and a time to move on...

I have sincerely enjoyed my time at BYU, I really have. It's a great school! I've grown in a lot of ways. I met the man of my dreams while going to school here. I lived in LONDON thanks to BYU Study Abroad. I've had some great professors. I've learned a lot. I truly believe I am a better person because of the opportunities I have had while attending this University.

Having said all of that, there are also several things about this school that severely annoy me. Living in a bubble is not something I would recommend for more than 4 years, and I am going to be in it for 5.

Today, after my friend Steph and I left our 2 o'clock class we both simultaneously burst into laughter and Steph voiced what both of us were thinking when she said "Katie...where do we go to school?" There were two girls playing some medieval rendition of something on recorders in the courtyard. There are just so many oddities like this that I encounter on a daily basis. I like original people. I like people that are different. People who are just plain weird scare me! There seems to be a high percentage of such people on our campus. I am ready to leave them behind.

If someone would like to fund a vacation so that I can escape this area for a brief time it would be greatly appreciated =-) I think Chad and I are going to try to take a little break before Spring Semester starts, depending on when my finals are scheduled. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that this works out...if not, I may have a nervous breakdown.