Dear Kaden,

Last night, you woke up in the middle of the night, crying out.  A nasty nightmare was the culprit, and I scooped you up in my arms and held you in your dark room--a sliver of moonlight peeking in through the blinds and a blueish glow from your nightlight helping me see enough to wipe your tear stained cheeks.

Then we cuddled up in the rocking chair in the corner, you and I, with a soft yellow blanket that my grandma pieced together before she died.  And you wiggled and squirmed until you found your comfy place, sprawled across my lap, your head nuzzled close against me, your right arm dangling behind my back.  And I remembered rocking you just like this for so many nights in your infancy.  Before you could tell me about the monsters in your dreams.  When your little legs still fit in the soft circle of my arms while I held you, where now I felt your little toes curled around my calves.  And I squeezed you just a little bit tighter while I sang you lullabies and held your hand.

And I thanked Heavenly Father for my mother's heart.  That in that moment, in the middle of the night, I could long to hold you like that for an hour.  For days.  For weeks.  For months.

My Kaden Boy, I am so blessed to be your mommy.  Sometimes it is scary for me, watching you grow up.  And thinking that someday you will cry about something I can't fix, something that won't be an imaginary monster in the dark.  But I hope you will always know that I will still squeeze you close and hold your hand.

I love you so very much.


Kaden Moments

Kaden, with the laptop cord wrapped around his waist:  "Look, Mommy!  A space belt!"

While we were home for Christmas, Mackenzie came and got us to report that Kaden was naked in the bathtub.  Sure enough, he had stripped down to his birthday suit and was sitting in an empty tub, playing with toys.  At least he didn't start the water!

Kaden had gotten out of bed a couple of nights ago, and was banging on his door (we lock his door at night).  I went in to check on him, and he was standing there in only a diaper.  The kid had taken off his sleeper, only to realize he couldn't get it back on.  I couldn't help but laugh.  I helped him get re-dressed and tucked him back in bed.

Chad was pointing out pictures of Kaden when he was a baby that are hanging up in our stairwell.
       Chad:  Do you know who this is?
       Kaden:  Yes!
       Chad:  Who?
       Kaden:  BABY JESUS!

In fact, when seeing most pictures of babies, he automatically assumes they are Baby Jesus.  Or Noah (the baby brother of his buddy, Liam).

Anytime he sees a picture of a star he starts talking about when Baby Jesus was born.  At least he got something out of our Christmas-themed family home evening lesson.

We were in the grocery store shopping, and I was pushing Kaden in the cart.  All of a sudden, completely out of nowhere, he starts chanting, "Bacon!  Bacon!  Bacon!"  We were nowhere near bacon, so I have no clue where this thought pattern came from, but it was hilarious.

I was making Kaden lunch and asked him if he wanted honey or jelly on his peanut butter sandwich.
     Kaden:  Jelly!  It's DELICIOUS!!!!"

I have to lie down beside Kaden until he falls asleep in order for him to nap now.  It's the only way he will take a nap.  We've drawn the line and won't do this at bedtime, but it's worth it for nap time, since he becomes a demon without one during the day.  We've been cycling through some sickness at our house, and Kaden and I have been super congested.  When he took his nap the other day, he started snoring ridiculously loudly.  When he came to find me after his nap, we were cuddling together on my bed, and I did an impression of the sound he was making when he fell asleep.  He just busted out laughing.  It was like sharing a joke with a friend.  So fun.  It was the cutest moment.  Hard to explain, but I want to remember it forever.

Chad made Kaden mac and cheese for lunch one day while I was out.  Apparently, Kaden did an "impression" of me saying that mac and cheese is not for breakfast, only lunch.  We've had this conversation a few times, and apparently he wanted to make sure Daddy knew the rules, too.

All the numbers that come after ten are fourteen when Kaden counts on his own.  So funny.  We are working on it.

I noticed that Kaden's beloved stuffed giraffe, Tip Top, was in need of a bath.  I mentioned this to Kaden, and he freaked out.
     Me:  But he's stinky, Kaden!  See, smell him.
     Kaden:  (Taking a whiff)  No stinky!  No stinky!  (Bringing me his stuffed elephant)  See, Mommy!  
     It's Ollie!  Ollie's stinky!

After a thirty minute battle trying to get Kaden to try his chicken and rice, he finally gagged down a bite.
    Kaden:  Mmmmmm!
    Me:  Is it good?
    Kaden:  Yes!
    Me:  How many bites do you think you can eat?
    Kaden:  10!  (Eats ten bites, counting each one.)
A lot of our food battles look just like this one.

Kaden peeks through the blinds and checks to see if it's morning before he comes out of his room every day.

Empty House and Holiday Memories

We took down our Christmas decorations on Saturday afternoon, and our house feels hallow and empty.  I know I'll eventually adjust to the lack of glitter and sparkle, but right now, things seem kind of depressing.  I know a lot of people find extreme joy in getting their tinsel and evergreen garlands boxed away, but I think I could gaze at my bedazzled Christmas tree for 365 days a year and be happy.  I couldn't really, of course, because it wouldn't be as special, but it feels like it when it's time to take the tree down.  I already miss driving up to our house at night and seeing a candle glowing beneath a wreath in each window.  

Kaden practically wept when he saw us taking the ornaments off the tree.  "This is mine!"  he'd say, clutching to a red and gold one.  Or, "I need this ORN-MENT!"  Poor kid.  We saw four or five Christmas trees laying haphazardly in the street today, waiting for the garbage men to come collect them.  He kept confusedly pointing the out, while I pulled him in his wagon through the neighborhood.  It's hard to say goodbye to Christmas.

We had a great Christmas and New Year's celebration this year, and in true Katie fashion I didn't take many photographs.

For example, I wish I had photographed Kaden, Kenzie, and Tanner taking turns pulling each other in Kaden's new wagon, his favorite gift from Gigi and Poppy.  I can still see them in their hats and mittens, noses a little bit red, squealing with delight.

I wish I had a photograph of Kaden and Kenzie decorating gingerbread houses with Aunt Meredith and Uncle Adam.  A few of the blades of Kade's gumdrop grass weren't deposited in a layer of icing until he'd licked the sugar coating off, which made it extra precious.

I wish I had a photograph of every delectable treat I consumed over our holiday stay with the in laws.  Actually, I don't.  That would show just how much of a pig I am.  But oh, how tasty everything was!  I do regret not taking a photo of at least the New Year's Eve feast.  This year we had brie fondue with baguette, fresh fruit with chocolate fondue, crab and cream cheese wontons, bruschetta, cheese ball, our favorite Harry and David dip, chocolate crinkle cookies, and an assortment of other leftover Christmas desserts.  It was so amazing.  So much goodness in one meal.

I did manage to score a few  photographs.  Here's our family on Christmas Sunday right after church.  Kaden is wearing his last Christmas John-John.  At least he got one more year with smocked snowmen.

On Christmas morning, we took a lot of video footage and very few photographs, but I did capture these as the kids were waiting to go down the stairs.  They were so eager to see what Santa had brought!

Even though Kaden's eyes are closed, I love this shot of him with his Daddy:

Santa brought Kaden an extra special treat for Christmas this year.  After he'd opened all of his other presents, he had to go on a treasure hunt to find his last gift, which was hidden in the living room.  A friend of mine gave us this train, which is motorized and can be ridden around a circular track.  Her children had enjoyed it for years.  Unfortunately, it was broken and no longer ran.  Santa took the train to his workshop and with the help of his elves, fixed it right up, so that Kaden could ride it again!  He was so excited!  Isn't Santa awesome?

Mackenzie got some watercolors for Christmas this year, and the budding artist was creating masterpieces every day.  Gigi and Poppy's refrigerator was soon plastered with them.  She wanted Kaden to paint with her so badly, but he mostly tried to drink the water meant for cleaning the brushes . . . and made a mess.

See what I mean about drinking the water? He's  totally stealing a sip in this one:

This was the first year Chad's entire family has all been together for Christmas in a long time, so it was imperative we take some family photos.  Leave it to us to pick the rainiest, coldest day to do that.  The kids weren't too thrilled.  Neither were the adults. We did manage to get a few good ones, though.  My favorites were by far the silly ones.  I love being  a part of the Reese clan.  I am so thankful for them!

Alas, the holiday season is over.  Time for reality to set in . . . and to start hitting those New Year's resolutions!